Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?


Do you want to lose 10 pounds in just 3 days? Birmingham hospital at Alabama may have the answer for you. The Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet is designed to help patients to lose weight fast without surgery and weight loss pills. In 3 days you may lose as much as 10 pounds! You may have heard about this diet before, as it carries various names, including 3 Day Tuna Diet, Alabama Diet, Tuna Diet and so on. Before you start the Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet, you really need to find out: does this diet work? Will the weight loss be permanent?

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Cardiac Diet

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

I am trying to film the recovery process following my open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve with a bovine valve. Hopefully, others needing this surgery in the future will find this helpful and informative.

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

No URL Day 7 accretion from accessible affection anaplasty to alter aortic val

Mayo Clinic Diet For Heart Patients


The Mayo Clinic diet for heart patients is similar to many diet programs you've probably seen. There is a slight problem with the name. The Mayo Clinic, one of the great medical treatment and research organizations in the world, does not endorse this diet.

Mayo Clinic Diet For Heart Patients

Cardiac Diet

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 65.52 Mins.

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

(November 8, 2011) John Cooke discusses about the risk factors that contribute to quicker vascular aging and responds to audience questions. This course is a single-quarter, focused follow-up to the the yearlong Mini Med School that occurred in 2009-10. The course focuses on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. The course is sponsored by Stanford Continuing Studies and the Stanford Medical School. Stanford University Stanford Continuing Studies http:/// Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University Channel on YouTube:

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

No URL 7. Reversing Vascular Aging | Mini Med School

Heart Patient Diet - Why Fiber Is Good for the Heart


Although research scientists and health experts are still unsure of the benefits of fiber for preventing colon cancer, one thing is certain; fiber is good for the heart, especially for those who must be on a heart patient diet.. Knowing types of fiber and their benefits in preventing cardiovascular disease will help you make choices in your diet that can slow down or prevent arthrosclerosis, lower LDL cholesterol in the blood, and block absorption of fats from foods.

Heart Patient Diet - Why Fiber Is Good for the Heart

Cardiac Diet

Arterial Acne

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.73 Mins.

Arterial Acne

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger's videos at Donate at DESCRIPTION: Atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries may be more aptly described as pimples, initiated by the infiltration of cholesterol into the lining of our arteries. The ending, should blood flow to our heart muscle be cut off by a clot formed by the rupture of one of these inflamed pockets of pus in our arterial lining, is a heart attack. Cholesterol-induced zits in the lining of our coronary arteries can also occur in other blood vessels. In our head they can cause a stroke, in our back they can cause degenerative disk disease ( in our abdomen they can cause an aneurysm ( and in our pelvis they can cause sexual dysfunction in both men ( and women ( Thankfully, Avoiding Cholesterol Is A No Brainer ( It's Purely a Question Of Diet ( Trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol should be kept to a minimum. There are more than 80 videos on heart disease ( and also hundreds of other videos on more than a thousand subjects at Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!

Arterial Acne

Arterial Acne

Arterial Acne

Arterial Acne

No URL Arterial Acne

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?


Do you want to lose 10 pounds in just 3 days? Birmingham hospital at Alabama may have the answer for you. The Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet is designed to help patients to lose weight fast without surgery and weight loss pills. In 3 days you may lose as much as 10 pounds! You may have heard about this diet before, as it carries various names, including 3 Day Tuna Diet, Alabama Diet, Tuna Diet and so on. Before you start the Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet, you really need to find out: does this diet work? Will the weight loss be permanent?

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Cardiac Diet

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 6.25 Mins.

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack? Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack? "Time is Tissue" or even your life when it comes to recognizing heart attack signs and taking timely action. Heart attacks can be survived if you learn how to prevent the heart attack in the first place or recognize when it is occurring and take swift action. Gordon, a US Air Force Unit Commander in San Francisco, entertains us with his story of heart attack survival while demonstrating his juggling prowess. Swift identification of his chest pains saved Gordon's life -- learning how to recognize the symptoms of heart attacks can save yours. Transcript: I'm Gordon Geison and I'm thrilled to be here today. As a matter of fact, as a heart attack survivor, I'm thrilled to be anywhere. If I look around and I'm not in an emergency room, it's a good day and I'm happy. I want to talk to you very briefly today about two things. First, what are the warning signs that you're having a heart attack? It might not be as easy as you think to know if you're having a heart attack. Second, what can you do to help prevent a heart attack? How do you know you're having a heart attack? It seems like an easy question but it's really not all that clear. We have this image from movies and television that heart attacks are these big dramatic events. The guy grabs his chest and falls over in pain. That happens occasionally, I suppose, but the fact is that most heart attacks start out very slowly and people feel only minor pain, a little discomfort, sometimes ...

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack?

No URL Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack? Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack? "Time is Tissue" or even your life when it comes to recognizing heart attack signs and taking timely action. Heart attacks can be survived if you learn how to prevent the heart attack in the first place or recognize when it is occurring and take swift action. Gordon, a US Air Force Unit Commander in San Francisco, entertains us with his story of heart attack survival while demonstrating his juggling prowess. Swift identification of his chest pains saved Gordon's life -- learning how to recognize the symptoms of heart attacks can save yours. Transcript: I'm Gordon Geison and I'm thrilled to be here today. As a matter of fact, as a heart attack survivor, I'm thrilled to be anywhere. If I look around and I'm not in an emergency room, it's a good day and I'm happy. I want to talk to you very briefly today about two things. First, what are the warning signs that you're having a heart attack? It might not be as easy as you think to know if you're having a heart attack. Second, what can you do to help prevent a heart attack? How do you know you're having a heart attack? It seems like an easy question but it's really not all that clear. We have this image from movies and television that heart attacks are these big dramatic events. The guy grabs his chest and falls over in pain. That happens occasionally, I suppose, but the fact is that most heart attacks start out very slowly and people feel only minor pain, a little discomfort, sometimes ...


Firstly, let us look at the menu of Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet. During the 3 days, you have to follow the menu very strictly to achieve maximum results. The foods are designed based on the concept of chemical breakdown to help you burn fat. Thus, you are not allowed to vary the amounts or make substitution of the menu. After 3 days, you can resume your regular meals. Then, after 4 days of regular meals, start the Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet all over again if you wish to lose more weight.

Cardiac Diet

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Now, the problem with this 3 day diet is: it is extremely low in calories. I added the calories and got this number (rough estimation):

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Day 1: 1035
Day 2: 1020
Day 3: 1040

In reality, you may lose weight. However, much of your loss may be water and muscle loss instead of fat loss! As soon as you resume your regular meals, you may gain all the weight back. In addition, low calories diet may hurt your metabolism. In addition, you may feel hungry with this diet as it is low in energy and calories. Unless you have rock solid will power, it is unlikely you will stick through the diet. In the following section you may refer to some of the users' experience.

User's Review
Dove from Health: "Seriously, anyone thinking of doing this diet, take it from me, don't do it! You will feel like hell, and probably won't make it the 3 days.  It is just horrible!"

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger's videos at Donate at DESCRIPTION: Atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries may be more aptly described as pimples, initiated by the infiltration of cholesterol into the lining of our arteries. The ending, should blood flow to our heart muscle be cut off by a clot formed by the rupture of one of these inflamed pockets of pus in our arterial lining, is a heart attack. Cholesterol-induced zits in the lining of our coronary arteries can also occur in other blood vessels. In our head they can cause a stroke, in our back they can cause degenerative disk disease ( in our abdomen they can cause an aneurysm ( and in our pelvis they can cause sexual dysfunction in both men ( and women ( Thankfully, Avoiding Cholesterol Is A No Brainer ( It's Purely a Question Of Diet ( Trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol should be kept to a minimum. There are more than 80 videos on heart disease ( and also hundreds of other videos on more than a thousand subjects at Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!


High fiber foods include vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains. White flour and white rice during processing have had the germ, bran, and endosperm removed. Along with heart healthy fibers, this process also removes many of the beneficial vitamins. Enriching white flour with synthetic, single-component vitamins simply isn't the same thing as getting the whole food as it was meant to be, rich in nutrients and heart healthy fiber.

Cardiac Diet

Heart Patient Diet - Why Fiber Is Good for the Heart

There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Each has its own benefits for the cardiovascular system. Soluble fiber has been scientifically studied and proven to reduce blood serum cholesterol levels, especially LDL or bad cholesterol. Soluble fiber dissolves in water making a gel-like substance. It is found in apples, baked potatoes with the skin, oats, and kidney beans, but not in wheat bran that is loaded with insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive tract virtually untouched. Its benefit to the heart is that it makes people feel full and may reduce the calories consumed during a meal, keeping off those extra pounds that stress the heart.

Heart Patient Diet - Why Fiber Is Good for the Heart

Studies have found that people with high fiber diets actually have more fat in their stools, suggesting that it blocks the absorption of fat into the body. It has also been found that certain proteins indicative of risk of heart attack and stroke are lowered in people with high fiber diets.

Be smart when choosing foods, don't depend on the name of the food. Oat bran muffins may really contain very little fiber- read the nutrition labels to find out the truth about the food you are eating. The American Heart Association recommends that daily fiber intake average about 25 grams per day. Eating a diet high in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables should assure that your heart gets the fiber it needs.

If you have been eating a diet of low-fiber foods, don't increase to the full fiber recommendation abruptly. This can cause some digestive reactions such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Take it slow increasing fiber over a two or three week period. A good place to start it with that proverbial apple a day!

Heart Patient Diet - Why Fiber Is Good for the Heart

(November 8, 2011) John Cooke discusses about the risk factors that contribute to quicker vascular aging and responds to audience questions. This course is a single-quarter, focused follow-up to the the yearlong Mini Med School that occurred in 2009-10. The course focuses on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. The course is sponsored by Stanford Continuing Studies and the Stanford Medical School. Stanford University Stanford Continuing Studies http:/// Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University Channel on YouTube:


This diet was first named after the famous Clinic back in the 1940s. The name has stuck despite several statements from the Mayo. So what is this diet all about and how effective a weight loss diet is it?

Cardiac Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet For Heart Patients

The main focus is to eat a lot of eggs and meat. This makes it similar to many of the high protein diets you've heard so much about. The one difference between this and the dozens of other high protein diets is that they include eating grapefruit regularly. Grapefruit has been known to induce fat loss and is very healthy for you.

Mayo Clinic Diet For Heart Patients

If you're looking to lose weight, this diet can give you some decent short term results. The one downside to this type of weight loss program is that, sooner or later, you will probably get bored eating the same foods over and over. When that happens, you'll start to crave the foods you've eliminated from your diet and be much more likely to cheat.

I've seen this diet advertised as a weight loss program recommended to heart patients if they need to lose weight. Recommending meat and eggs to heart patients doesn't sound right to me, but I'm not a doctor. If you have a heart condition and need to lose weight, your doctor is the best resource for answers on what best to eat. You should consult your doctor before starting any new weight loss program.

The Mayo Clinic diet for heart patients focuses on proteins and grapefruit. You can lose weight this way, but many people find that they put the weight back on before long. I'm sure you'll agree that the best weight loss programs allow you to eat all the major food groups and not just focus on one. You want to lose weight quickly and keep it off without starving yourself. Do your homework and see if there are better alternatives to the Mayo Clinic diet for heart patients.

Mayo Clinic Diet For Heart Patients

I am trying to film the recovery process following my open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve with a bovine valve. Hopefully, others needing this surgery in the future will find this helpful and informative.


Firstly, let us look at the menu of Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet. During the 3 days, you have to follow the menu very strictly to achieve maximum results. The foods are designed based on the concept of chemical breakdown to help you burn fat. Thus, you are not allowed to vary the amounts or make substitution of the menu. After 3 days, you can resume your regular meals. Then, after 4 days of regular meals, start the Birmingham 3 day cardiac diet all over again if you wish to lose more weight.

Cardiac Diet

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Now, the problem with this 3 day diet is: it is extremely low in calories. I added the calories and got this number (rough estimation):

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

Day 1: 1035
Day 2: 1020
Day 3: 1040

In reality, you may lose weight. However, much of your loss may be water and muscle loss instead of fat loss! As soon as you resume your regular meals, you may gain all the weight back. In addition, low calories diet may hurt your metabolism. In addition, you may feel hungry with this diet as it is low in energy and calories. Unless you have rock solid will power, it is unlikely you will stick through the diet. In the following section you may refer to some of the users' experience.

User's Review
Dove from Health: "Seriously, anyone thinking of doing this diet, take it from me, don't do it! You will feel like hell, and probably won't make it the 3 days.  It is just horrible!"

Does Birmingham 3 Day Cardiac Diet Work?

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