Sunday, January 27, 2013

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet


The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is a cleansing program that is designed to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, the diet supposedly helps participants lose up to ten pounds in just three days. Despite its name, the American Heart Association has no direct affiliation with this diet plan, and it should be noted that the plan is not generally considered a healthy eating plan.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

Cardiac Diet

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

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The Best Supplements for Heart Health


The best supplements for heart health should address as many of the major controllable risk factors for developing heart disease as possible. There are numerous health heart supplements, but only a few may actually be beneficial.

The Best Supplements for Heart Health

Cardiac Diet

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

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The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet


The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is a cleansing program that is designed to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, the diet supposedly helps participants lose up to ten pounds in just three days. Despite its name, the American Heart Association has no direct affiliation with this diet plan, and it should be noted that the plan is not generally considered a healthy eating plan.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

Cardiac Diet

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

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4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet - Food to Eat and to Avoid


When you discover that you have hypertension or pre-hypertension, the first thing doctors do, they prescribe medication. However, the right diet can dramatically reduce your blood pressure as well, sometimes so much that you will not need any drugs. Find out what a high blood pressure diet is and how you can easily incorporate it into your lifestyle.

4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet - Food to Eat and to Avoid

Cardiac Diet

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health

No URL Cardiac Diet Changes Will Improve Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan


An ideal diet for high blood pressure will be:
Low in sodium (salt) Low in saturated fats and cholesterol High in antioxidants and vitamins High in potassium and magnesium

Cardiac Diet

4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet - Food to Eat and to Avoid

In other words, a diet generally associated with healthy living and a high blood pressure diet has a lot in common. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean at all that all you will have to eat from now on is steamed broccoli. For example, the best thing for high blood pressure diet is to go for a baked potato rather than French fries or a chicken sandwich not a hamburger. The most important thing is to limit foods that lead to increasing blood pressure.

4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet - Food to Eat and to Avoid

Tip 1: Eat more home cooked meals

The easiest way to maintain a diet that will help with high blood pressure control is to prepare meals yourself from fresh products rather than eat prepackaged food. Almost all precooked meals are high in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol, while low in other important nutrients. Home cooking takes more time of course, but there are plenty of healthy and incredibly tasty recopies that take only 15-20 minutes to cook.

The recommended sodium intake for people with hypertension is less than 3000 mg a day, and an average American consumes 7000 to 9000 mg... A good way to cut down on salt is to stay away from packaged condiments. Would you believe that just one serving of ordinary tomato sauce usually contains about 250 mg of sodium? That will be additional 250 mg, to a meal that already contains salt. The same can be said about most salad dressings. Using a spoon of olive oil instead of bottled salad dressing on your salad will make a great difference.

Tip 2: Select foods high in potassium and magnesium

Now when you know what foods to avoid, let's talk about what foods are beneficial. Most fruits and vegetables are good because they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium (that is unless you add salt to them, of course). But the most beneficial veggies and fruits are the ones that are high in magnesium and potassium. Both minerals have been proved to reduce blood pressure.

Best foods for potassium are:

Apricots Sultanas and Raisins All Bran Figs Dried mixed fruit Most Seeds and nuts average (unsalted) Potatoes Tomatoes Avocados Bananas
For magnesium look at:

Black Beans Broccoli Peanuts Oysters Scallops Soy milk Spinach Whole grain cereal Whole wheat bread
Tip 3: Consult a physician for best high blood pressure diet

Everybody should follow general food recommendations to lower you blood pressure. However, there might be specific foods that you in particular should avoid or add to your diet. The reason is that as most people, you may have not only high blood pressure, but other health problems and your diet should address them all.

Also if you are overweight, that can greatly affect your blood pressure. The first thing you doctor will suggest is to choose a diet that will help you lose weight. While if your weight is normal, your diet will be different.

Tip 4: Choose diet to prevent high blood pressure

As they say, to prevent is always better than to cure, so even if you don't have any problems with blood pressure, it is a good idea to follow high blood pressure diet. Many studies have shown that hypertension is hereditary, so you should be particularly careful if your parents suffer from high blood pressure.

4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet - Food to Eat and to Avoid Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan


The so-called "3 Day Diet" has been around since approximately 1985 and goes by several different names. However, lately it is the American Heart Association title that has garnered the most attention. The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet has a rather rigid menu to follow. The foods that are chosen are meant to boost up metabolism and burn fat quickly. They are also reported to rid the body of toxins, build muscle, and provide dieters with increased energy. Some of the main food choices selected are rather surprising, though, and can be rather high in sodium, fat, and sugar.

Cardiac Diet

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

The idea of the American heart Association 3 Day Diet is to follow strict meal plans based on the theory that certain foods, eaten in appropriate combinations, will jump start a person's metabolic rate. The total number of calories to be eaten each day totals only around 1,000 to 1,200, and only three meals are permitted. There is no space in the diet for snacks, and the largest meal of the day seems to be dinner. A sample menu might possibly include crackers with cheese for breakfast, canned tuna on toast for lunch, and vanilla ice cream and cabbage for dinner. It also incorporates tea and coffee for a caffeine jolt meant to boost a person's metabolism.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

In the end, the misleading American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is not beneficial for a person's heart or other major body systems. It is just one of the many "crash diets" or "fad diets" that aim to help people shed pounds fast. Still, it is a much safer option than weight loss drugs and other fad trends and the plan can be used by those who are desperate to shed a few pounds before a major event. However, the actual weight lost will likely be from water and will most likely not be the ten pound estimate given. Additionally, after the 3 day diet is over, weight gain may result as normal eating habits resume. The diet should not be continued for any longer than three days, though, due to health concerns.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan


The major risk factors for heart disease that are controllable include obesity, stress, unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. Although physical inactivity is not something that the health heart supplements can address, it can be advantageous to take supplements that are designed to increase energy. Many people find that after a day of work and commuting, they are just too tired to be physically active. Often this is related to poor quality diet during the busy workday. It takes some self-motivation, but the right health supplements can help.

Cardiac Diet

The Best Supplements for Heart Health

Some herbs, minerals and vitamins that increase energy levels and stabilize them throughout the day include Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins. These nutrients serve many unique functions in the body, but all are necessary for energy levels adequate to improve physical activity levels. The best supplements for heart health should contain adequate quantities of each of these.

The Best Supplements for Heart Health

There are many other vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that are important for overall health. If your daily diet does not include everything your body needs to function efficiently, then you will have low energy levels. While focusing on a healthy diet is of utmost importance for health, heart supplements can provide some extra insurance. In addition, a complete daily vitamin and mineral supplement designed for your sex and your age group should insure that you get all of the essential nutrients that you need on a daily basis.

Stress is one issue that the best supplements for heart health will address. Stress in our lives is unavoidable. Chronic or long term stress caused by frustrating jobs, money problems and/or troubled personal relationships may be unavoidable. Often it is impossible to change these situations, but it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease. Gingko Biloba and Sam-E have been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression and have been used as complementary therapies for patients with heart disease. Gingko Biloba, when combined with ginger, has been shown to reduce anxiety, caused by chronic stress. The best supplements for heart health contain Gingko Biloba and Sam-E.

In addition to physical activity, meditation and other stress reduction techniques, people under consistent stress need extra vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed by every cell of the human body. It cannot be produced by the human body, so it must be obtained from food or supplements and quantities in the blood stream are quickly depleted. This is one reason that many of the better health heart supplements contain vitamin C and the reason that dosage recommendations are typically for three times a day, rather than just once per day. If a person takes a mega-dose of vitamin C once a day, the body will use what it needs at the time and excrete the rest. The better choice is to split the dosage into three reasonable quantities. In this way, the body will have adequate vitamin C levels throughout the day, keeping energy levels consistent.

Controlling Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Naturally

You may have seen news articles and information from alternative health care providers maintaining that unhealthy cholesterol levels can be controlled naturally. Prescription medications (statin drugs) designed to inhibit the production of cholesterol within the body can also inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q-10. This enzyme can be created by the human body when overall nutritional levels are good, but when production is inhibited, muscle death (including the heart muscle) can occur.

When statin drugs were originally patented, the designers recommended adding CO Q-10 to the mixture, but the manufacturers never followed through with this recommendation. They simply added the warning that muscle pain, particularly in the legs, should be reported to your doctor. It is the opinion of many health care professionals, including this writer, that once deep muscle pain is felt, there could already be a problem.

It is not necessary to include CO Q-10 in health heart supplements, as long as statin drugs are not being taken and nutrition is good. The best heart health supplements contain ingredients that will lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol naturally. These include rutin, policosanol, inositol and, once again, vitamin C.

Blood pressure can also be controlled naturally, with proper diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques. Grape seed extract has been used to maintain normal blood pressure levels and the best health heart supplements contain this ingredient as well. Not all supplements are the same. To learn more about the best supplements for heart health (containing all of the botanicals and nutrients mentioned in this article) please visit Heart Health Diet

The Best Supplements for Heart Health Cardiac Diet Changes Can Improve Heart Health, Visit our Website for a FREE 3 Day Meal Plan


The so-called "3 Day Diet" has been around since approximately 1985 and goes by several different names. However, lately it is the American Heart Association title that has garnered the most attention. The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet has a rather rigid menu to follow. The foods that are chosen are meant to boost up metabolism and burn fat quickly. They are also reported to rid the body of toxins, build muscle, and provide dieters with increased energy. Some of the main food choices selected are rather surprising, though, and can be rather high in sodium, fat, and sugar.

Cardiac Diet

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

The idea of the American heart Association 3 Day Diet is to follow strict meal plans based on the theory that certain foods, eaten in appropriate combinations, will jump start a person's metabolic rate. The total number of calories to be eaten each day totals only around 1,000 to 1,200, and only three meals are permitted. There is no space in the diet for snacks, and the largest meal of the day seems to be dinner. A sample menu might possibly include crackers with cheese for breakfast, canned tuna on toast for lunch, and vanilla ice cream and cabbage for dinner. It also incorporates tea and coffee for a caffeine jolt meant to boost a person's metabolism.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

In the end, the misleading American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is not beneficial for a person's heart or other major body systems. It is just one of the many "crash diets" or "fad diets" that aim to help people shed pounds fast. Still, it is a much safer option than weight loss drugs and other fad trends and the plan can be used by those who are desperate to shed a few pounds before a major event. However, the actual weight lost will likely be from water and will most likely not be the ten pound estimate given. Additionally, after the 3 day diet is over, weight gain may result as normal eating habits resume. The diet should not be continued for any longer than three days, though, due to health concerns.

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

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